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Yoga for the Pelvic Floor

“Pelvic floor” refers the intelligent, powerful, dynamic layers that span the inner pelvis. Pop culture tells us we are too “loose,” and need to engage these muscles more, but that’s often not true. Many people of all genders have tight, gripped, compressed pelvic floor muscles which not only create weakness, but also contribute to a slew of other problems such as pelvic pain, digestive issues, decreased sexual enjoyment, enlarged prostate, incontinence, and prolapse.

Fortunately, regular well-informed yoga practice can make a huge difference to diminish or avoid these problems. It keeps the inner pelvis buoyant, vitalized, healthy and happy. To bring stability to this special area we need to work holistically with the whole body, including the skeletal structure, so the pelvic floor muscles can relax, receive good circulation, and when needed, contract effectively.

We can practice yoga for the pelvic floor in nearly every pose, but the poses that will be beneficial, and the way we do them, will vary depending on whether the pelvic floor is gripped, weak, slack, or a combination.

The first step is to deepen your relationship with your own pelvis. Being able to sense the area and knowing a bit of anatomy is key. With this knowledge and awareness, you can address your body’s challenges and asymmetries in your practice. Yoga becomes transformative and healing as you bring the body towards balance and access the rich energetic prowess of the inner pelvis.

Yoga for the Pelvic Floor

by Avery Kalapa

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