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Ayurveda and Immunity
Immunity, as we understand it through modern medicine, is the function of certain cells, enzymes and immunomodulatory chemicals that...
Simply Sitting and Breathing Mindfully
Recent scientific evidence confirms that meditation nurtures the parts of the brain that contribute to well-being and happiness.
The Power of Dreams
Interpreting and unfolding the mysteries contained in our nighttime dreams can lead to a more self-reflective and inspiring life.
Ayurvedic Cleanse
According to Ayurveda, health is not defined as being disease-free. It is the state of normalcy of the three doshas – vata, pitta, and...
Natural Approaches for Anxiety
Nearly everyone has problems with anxiety at least occasionally, and some people suffer from anxiety much of the time. Anxiety is a...
The Cosmic Mirror
An astrological birth chart is a map of the heavens for that singular moment in time when someone or something is born. It shows the...
Balancing Your Yoga Practice with the Embodied Wisdom of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga. Ayurveda and Yoga define one's life in a similar way— as the conjunction of mind, body, and...
The Cacao Ceremony
The Cacao plant produces an oval shaped fruit that is yellow on the outside and has a white, stringy texture inside supporting the seeds....
Heal your Thyroid with Yoga
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped endocrine gland in your neck that regulates functions of energy use such as metabolism and body...
Yoga for Hormonal Balance & Vitality
As a practitioner offering The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy©, I have worked with numerous clients who are struggling to...
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